A Test Battery for Assessment of Plural Processing in Aphasia Exploring Regularity (BAPPA-R)

Macquarie Online Test Interface. https://www.motif.org.au/bappar


The Battery for Assessment of Plural Processing in Aphasia (Regularity) assesses the ability of people with aphasia to produce plurals, and the effects of regularity on this ability. Some people with aphasia make errors in their use of the plural inflection, perhaps producing a singular (e.g. two horse) when a plural is appropriate or vice versa (e.g. one horses), or use alternative ways to indicate number (e.g. horse, two of them). This test battery examines whether an individual with aphasia’s ability to correctly produce plurals varies depending on the regularity of a plural. For instance, some speakers may find it harder to produce an irregular plural (e.g. feet) compared to a regular plural (e.g. kings), while others may show the reverse pattern.

Macquarie Online Test Interface